River of Hope" since 2010 in DRC

We are here to empower them, so they can help themselves

Our Story NPO  "Center Tala Mosika", meaning "look beyond"

I founded together with Jake and my father the small non-profit association “River of Hope” registered in Switzerland. We kicked-off the project in Congo in 2010 without a cent and 2 suitcases filled with 46kg of football material.


In December 2012, we purchased 4 hectares of land in Selo, outside of Kinshasa, DRC. By spring 2013, we began construction on the "Tala Mosika" center, and by autumn 2015, after just 2 1/2 years, we inaugurated our 7th building and 2 repurposed containers. These include a medical station, a kitchen with a dining hall, classrooms for primary and technical secondary education where over 500 students study, accommodation for teachers, a boarding school, a shop, and a snack bar. We stimulate the economy in a poor and neglected region with a micro-economic approach to sustainably empower the local population. Combating poverty requires a great deal of patience, empathy, trust, and education so that the population understands they can make a difference and, most importantly, provide a future perspective for their children.

Im 2010 habe ich mit Jake und meinem Vater, den gemeinnützigen und steuerbefreiten Verein

“River of Hope” in Buchs/SG, Schweiz gegründet. Wir begannen im Jahr 2010 ohne einen Cent und 46 Kg Fussballmaterial mit dem Fußballprogramm.


Im Dezember 2012 kauften wir in Selo außerhalb Kinshasa, DRC, 4ha Land. Im Frühjahr 2013 konnten wir mit dem Bau des Zentrums "Tala Mosika" starten und im Herbst 2015, nach nur 2 1/2 Jahren weihten wir bereits unser 7tes Gebäude & 2 umgebaute Containers ein: Krankenstation, Küche mit Speisesaal, Schulzimmer für Primar- und technische Oberstufe wo über 500 Schüler zur Schule gehen, Unterkunft für Lehrer, Internat, Shop und Snackbar. Wir kurbeln die Wirtschaft in einer armen und vernachlässigten Region mit einem mikro-ökonomischen Ansatz an umso die lokale Bevölkerung nachhaltig zu stärken. Um die Armut zu bekämpfen braucht es sehr viel Geduld, Einfühlungsvermögen, Vertrauen und Bildung damit die Bevölkerung versteht, dass sie was ändern können und vor allem ihren Kindern eine Zukunftsperspektive ermöglichen können.

Story behind RoH

Dr. Nathaniel Doron - Israel

River of Hope’s founding was sparked by the work of Dr. Nathaniel Doron, my father is law (Israel), a Holocaust Survivor, a former UN Official and Diplomat, and our Honorary President, who dedicated his life to fighting poverty, famine and AIDS across the globe. In his relentless engagement, he positively touched the lives of thousands of children and adults in the most needing parts of Africa, Asia & Latin America.


He sadly passed away in July 2019 in Israel, but as he continues to inspire us with his smile, compassion and devotion to making this world a little better. 


Nathaniel Doron (my father in law) named his biography "River of Hope". The legacy will live on through our actions and the stories we tell, ensuring he will never be forgotten. R.I.P.

"look beyond"

A 20' Documentary Film




"look beyond"



Paypal & Creditcard

 Swiss Franc -Account 

Bank Information


Raiffeisenbank Werdenberg, 9470 Buchs SG, Switzerland


Beneficiary: River of Hope (RoH)

Account Details: Bank Nr. 81251   /  Swift: RAIFCH22  /  IBAN:  CH68 8125 1000 0046 9403 4  /  Konto: 90-862-2


Thank you and we hope you

enjoyed the documentary.


Photo Israel 2022

Photo Israel Exhibition 2022; Tel Aviv

International Photo Exhibition Israel from the 23.11. - 2.12.22 in Tel Aviv & February 2023 in Eilat

Very proud that 3 of my pictures were chosen by SID - Society for International Development Israel, to participate in this prestigious exhibition together with well know photographers. On of my picture was "the dancing women".

ב 2012, אחרי שהכיתה הראשונה נבנתה במרכז שלנו "טלה מוסיקה", התחלנו מיד בתוכנית לימוד קרוא וכתוב עבור הנשים שחיו בכפרים שמסביב. הסיבה שבחרנו בפעילות זו היא שהנשים הן אלו שאחראיות על ruuj, המשפחה, ורצינו שהן יפנימו ויעבירו הלאה את המסר שלנו, שידע והשכלה חשובים לחיי היומיום. רוב האמהות שהשתתפו בתוכנית אכן שלחו את ילדיהן לבית הספר שלנו. חלק מהילדים התחילו ללמוד בגיל מבוגר יחסית, וזה היה אתגר גדול עבורנו. בנוסף, אנחנו מעצימים נשים דרך תוכניות לימוד בנושאים חקלאיים. תוכניות נוספות להעלאת המודעות מתוכננות בשיתוף המוסדות המקומיים.
After we built the first classroom in our center "Tala Mosika", we started straight away with the illiterate program for women who live in the villages around us. The reason we chose this is that the women are in charge of the wellbeing of the family and we knew they will forward to their family and friends the message we give at the center, that knowledge is valuable in daily life. Most of these mothers indeed sent their children to our school. Some of the children started learning at quite a mature age, which was a challenge for us. We also empower women by offering them different workshops in agriculture. Further programs to raise awareness are planned in collaboration with local institutions.

Press Release about the film by:

Liz Free, Director, International School Rheintal, Switzerland

 Documentary "Look Beyond" by Claudia Doron

Selected for LA Independent Film Festival for Women in Spring 2023


Buchs/SG, [3 September, 2023] — Claudia Doron, the founder and project manager of "River of Hope" in Buchs/SG, is thrilled to announce that her documentary, “look beyond," has been officially selected to be featured at the LA Independent Women Film Awards, in Los Angeles in Spring 2023.


"Look Beyond" is a powerful documentary that takes viewers on a journey to the heart of the Democratic Republic of Congo. 


Claudia Doron, the driving force behind "River of Hope," leads this inspiring exploration. In her documentary, she shares her compelling story of founding the non-profit association "River of Hope" in 2010, armed with nothing but determination and a vision for change. Without a cent and without a predetermined project, she embarked on an incredible mission to make a difference in the lives of those in need.


Over the course of 13 years, Claudia's vision has transformed into a reality. The center "Tala Mosika", which translates to “look beyond" in Lingala, now stands proudly on 5 hectares of land. This center has become a beacon of hope for the local community, providing education to over 500 primary and high school students, healthcare services, and a thriving soccer school. The success of this project demonstrates the unwavering commitment to the principle of "helping people to help themselves."


"Look Beyond" is a testament to the power of vision, determination, and the positive impact that one person can have on a community and the world. Claudia Doron's documentary is an inspiring and uplifting journey, and its selection for the LA Independent Film Festival for Women is a well-deserved recognition of her remarkable work.

For more information about the documentary "Look Beyond" and "River of Hope," please visit [website link]. You can also join a viewing of the documentary at the International School Rheintal on 7th November, 2023.


Please see the website for more details about how to register. 

Empower your Vision

The world needs people who burn with passion for their ideas, now more than ever.

With my international background I have been empowering people in motion since 2006. My motivation stems from a profound belief in the transformative power of grassroots initiatives. I am convinced that anyone, regardless of resources or background, can make a significant impact in making the world a better place. This belief drives me commitment to fostering positive change through community-led efforts and individual empowerment—whether it’s in your family, your community, or somewhere in the world.


I believe that anyone can be empowered, and it begins with respectful, eye-level communication. By actively involving individuals in their own development, we enable them to take charge of their lives, breaking free from victimhood and interrupting the cycle of poverty. This collaborative approach cultivates self-reliance and paves the way for lasting positive change.


Without a cent and a predetermined project, I founded the non-profit association "River of Hope" in 2010 and landed in the Democratic Republic of Congo. With our documentary, we take viewers on a journey to her center "Tala Mosika" (Tala Mosika means "look beyond" in Lingala).


With the goal of "helping people to help themselves," she started 14 years ago with a lot of support from Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Today, a center stands on 5 hectares of land. Over 500 primary and high school students receive an education, are cared for in the health center, and benefit from the soccer school. 


  • Coachings 
  • Consulting
  • Public Speaker
  • Workshops for people who wish to kick-off a project but don't know where and how to start.



Contact me - let's talk!

Happy Birthday "Tala Mosika" -  2012-2022

Claudia Doron über "River of Hope"


"Wir alle träumen von Frieden, Freiheit, Gleichheit, Gerechtigkeit und dem Ende von Hunger und Unwissenheit. Die Verwirklichung dieser Träume ist zum Teil möglich, aber wir können die Welt nicht über Nacht verändern. Machen Sie stattdessen kleine Schritte, einen Tag nach dem anderen und sind Sie ein Vorbild für die nächsten Generationen. 


Hoffnung schenken. Das macht River of Hope !

Claudia Doron on "River of Hope"


"We all dream of peace, freedom, equality, justice and the end of hunger and ignorance. The realization of these dreams is partly possible, but we cannot change the world overnight. Instead, take small steps, one day at a time, and set an example for future generations.




Give hope. River of Hope does just that!