below in English
Ich siedle seit 2006 als selbständige Relocation Expertin im Auftrag internationaler Firmen, Fachkräfte aus aller Welt im Alpenrheintal an. Zudem unterstütze ich als Life Coach vor allem Menschen die neue Wege gehen wollen oder ihre Auswanderung planen.
Zu meinem Jubiläum gebe ich nun mein Wissen und meine privaten und beruflichen Erfahrungen in Form eines Auswanderungsratgeber für Menschen zwischen 18 und 80+ weiter.
Dieser «Guide» ist nicht nur für Expats, sondern auch für Studenten, Familien, Liebende, die zu Ihrem Partner ziehen möchten, Menschen, die mit 50+ ein neues Kapitel aufschlagen oder für diejenigen, die sich einen Auf-Und-Davon-Traum erfüllen wollen. So auch für Pensionäre, die ihren Lebensabend aus verschiedenen Gründen anderswo verbringen möchten.
Das Buch ist gespickt mit Erfahrungsberichten, Interviews, Tipps - das alles gibt den Lesern eine realistische Vorstellung davon, was es bedeuten kann, an einem anderen Ort neu zu beginnen. “Your Relocation" ist in Englisch und als E-Book und Taschenbuch ab sofort online auf Amazon erhältlich.
Die letzten 15 Jahre.... / The last 15 years....
This book will be your personal guide, filled with stories, interviews, facts, tips and inspiring exercises which help you to reflect.
ebook & paperback
123 pages
ISBN: 97985 19000642
Order now on Amazon!
«Your Relocation»
Bridging the gap between expectations and desperation
Claudia Doron has been relocating professional since 2006. She is relocating Expats from all over the world to Eastern Switzerland on behalf of international companies. In addition, as a life coach, she specialized in support for people who want to go new ways or re-event themselves. For her anniversary she is now publishing her know-how and experience in the form of a guide.
Are you between 18+ and 80+ and about to relocate for the first time for your love, next career move, realising a dream, change in scenery or you simply wish to spend your retirement elsewhere?
That’s the reason why you should read this book.
Relocation is among the TOP-5 most stressful situations you can experience across a lifespan. Its more than physical exhaustion and logistics, it’s also about leaving places and loved once behind. You become invested, vulnerable and dependant.
And certainly, do not mix up traveling with relocating
TRAVELING is like an Appetizer - RELOCATION is like a pre-set 7 course menu, which is sometimes difficult to digest.
Relocation is more than packing up your house, checklists and flight itinerary. It’s facing culture shock, change in lifestyle, dealing with the Verruca Salt Syndrome, getting out of your comfort zone, learning a new language, adapt to frugality and do not forget how challenging it is to your kids - and that’s what this book is all about.
Congratulation Claudia - what can I say? JUST LOVE IT ...`cos it's such a wonderful read. I was reminded to my journey to Ireland where I lived for 6,5 years. Yes, i missed out on some things Claudia discribes. Anyway, it rises also gratitude for the experiences I made. This book is just fantastic and highly recommend. My appreciation for sharing your experience and expertise in such a lovely way with us.
Bärbel Pankoke, Germany
Congratulations!! I wish I had something like this before I made an international move. Well done!
Beverly Tengström, Sweden
Moving countries can be stressful and challenging, especially when trying to organize things at your destination. Now, add to that, BREXIT, a global pandemic with travel restrictions and no German language skills, and I had the ingredients for a relocation nightmare… That’s if I didn’t have Claudia Doron of epm (empower people in motion) as my Relocation Agent.
Hilti, my employer introduced me to Claudia at the start of my relocation from the UK to Switzerland. She is friendly, an excellent communicator, and is passionate about what she does. It shows in her approach to every task she undertakes including, her speed of response to questions. Connecting remotely over WhatsApp, she found me a great apartment that met all my criteria, supported my quarantine plans (including internet, rental furniture, and groceries), my registration at the town hall, and provided me with contacts for my health insurance and banking needs, from the amazing network she’s built with reputable local businesses. Thank you, Claudia, for making my relocation very smooth and easy.
O.Esu, UK