
May I introduce to you my team - (from left to right) Elena Bodenmann, Claudia Doron, Vicky Gabathuler

With over 30 years’ of international business and life experience, and managing a life on 4 continents, Claudia has enjoyed guiding and empowering people on the move since over 15 years as a Relocation Consultant and the Founder of a Non-profit Organisation, active since 2010 in DR Congo. As a coach she assistant spouses with the challenge to settle in, when boxes are unpacked, partner at work and kids at school. Often the moment has come to get back to work or put your passion into action, but the question is how. 


Relocation is among the TOP-5 most stressful situations you can experience across a lifespan. Its more than physical exhaustion and logistics, it’s also about leaving places and loved once behind. You become invested, vulnerable and dependant. And certainly, do not mix up traveling with relocating!


TRAVELING is like an Appetizer

RELOCATION is like a pre-set 7 course menu.


Do you need help, or do you wish to share your experience? Feel free to visit our Relo-Journal and find out more about specific Relocation topics, share your experience or simply find out what others have to say! 


Relocation with all its facets...

There are so many reasons to relocate...


..and dreams must be lived

while you have the energy to do so!" 


You might be somewhere between 18+ and 80+ and about to relocate for your love, next career move, realising a dream, change in scenery or you simply wish to spend your retirement elsewhere?


Careful, do not mix up traveling with relocating.

TRAVELING is like an Appetizer - RELOCATION is like a pre-set 7 course menu, which is sometimes difficult to digest. 


It will be more than packing up your house, checklists and flight itinerary. It’s facing culture shock, change in lifestyle, getting out of your comfort zone, learning a new language and adapt to frugality. If you move with your family, it  might be challenging for your spouse who might have given up the career and has to re-invent herself or your kids which need to be prepared for a new life.


Fact is: Relocation is among the TOP-5 most stressful situations you can experience across a lifespan. It's more than physical exhaustion and logistics, it’s also about leaving places and loved once behind. You become invested, vulnerable and dependant.


...but head over heals? Thats's a bad advice!

Coaching & Consulting for...

...Singles & Families

Are you planning to relocate, but you have some doubts or worries about the unknown? If you wish to talk and exchange  online  with an expert, I suggest you call me and we discuss how I can help you and work with you on an action plan. 


Personalised Relocation Support in the Swiss Rhine Valley

  • Support in English, German and French
  • Flat- or house hunting (renting or buying)
  • Translating and explaining the rental contract 
  • Flat handover  / rental furniture / Corona Support also during Quarantine
  • Local administration - registration at the town hall, school board, etc.
  • Support with: Banks, Health Insurance, diverse insurances, german courses, schools, childcare, etc.
  • Support with the transition from moving form private to public school (4 years experience as a member of the Buchs School Board.
  • Local Specialist-Network: lawyers, real estate agents, tax consultants, insurance companies, banks, etc.
  • Personal Consulting and Coaching for spouses.
  • Link up with our "Rhine Valley International Facebook - Group"
  • Spouse Coaching
  • ...and enjoy our local network we set up since 2006!

Contact me for a free discovery call to discuss your tailor made package.

...Trailing Spouses

“The challenge of a spouse”

Boxes are unpacked, partner is at work, kids at school, now what? The moment has come to put your passion into action!





Coaching for…

..."Trailing Spouses" offers a comprehensive approach that prioritizes both personal and professional growth, with the goal of enriching their overall happiness and fulfillment throughout the relocation process.


These 8 challenges you will solve, so that you can write your best chapter! 

  1. Cultural Adjustment - Your Challenge: Adapting to a new culture can be overwhelming, leading to feelings of isolation and discomfort. 
  2. Identity and Career Transition - Your Challenge: Relocating often means a change in roles and identity, especially if the spouse had a career back home.
  3. Social Integration - Your Challenge: Building a social network in a new location can be challenging, leading to feelings of loneliness.
  4. Language Barriers - Your Challenge: Communicating in a language different from one's native language can be a barrier to integration.
  5. Loss of Support System - Your Challenge: Being away from family and friends can create a sense of loss and lack of support
  6. Personal Growth and Fulfillment - Your Challenge: Feeling stagnant or unfulfilled due to changes in routine and lifestyle.
  7. Decision-Making and Empowerment - Your Challenge: Feeling disempowered in decision-making, especially related to the relocation process.
  8. Stress and Well-being: - Your Challenge: 

Contact me for a free discovery call to discuss your tailor made package.


Relocation ist mehr als nur ein Umzug. "Reisen ist wie eine Vorspeise, während Relocation oft einem 7-Gänge-Menü gleicht – aufregend, aber manchmal schwer zu verdauen."




Warum mit Relocation-Experten zusammenarbeiten?

Internationale Unternehmen kooperieren häufig mit spezialisierten Relocation-Firmen wie uns, um diesen komplexen Prozess in die Hände von Experten zu legen. So bleibt Berufliches und Privates getrennt, und jeder kann sich auf seine Kernaufgaben konzentrieren, mit dem Ziel:

  1. Optimierung der Ressourcen und Effizienzsteigerung
  2. Reibungslose Integration und höhere Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit
  3. Reduzierung von Fluktuation und Verbesserung der Mitarbeiterbindung
  4. Nutzen Sie unser Fachwissen und Erfahrung
  5. Stressreduktion und Zufriedenheit mit individuellen Lösungen.

Der Fachkräftemangel ist eine Realität, und wenn Unternehmen keine inländischen Mitarbeiter finden können, müssen sie aus dem Ausland rekrutieren. Doch was bedeutet das für die Personalabteilung? HR-Teams stehen mit der Anstellung ausländischer Fachkräfte vor einer riesigen Herausforderung, die weit über den reinen Anstellungsprozess hinausgeht. 


Kontaktieren Sie mich unverbindlich für ein erstes Gespräch. Gemeinsam finden wir die maßgeschneiderte Relocation-Lösung, die Ihrem Unternehmen am besten entspricht und eine reibungslose, angenehme Integration Ihrer internationalen Fachkräfte und deren Familien sicherstellt.


A guide for people who plan to relocate for the first time.

Interview mit Radio SRF 1

7.Juli, 2021

Interview  mit Radio LI

14.März, 2020


Was im Fernsehen so einfach aussieht, muss in der Realität lange Zeit geplant werden. Claudia Doron aus Buchs hat im Laufe ihrer Karriere mehr als 40 verschiedenen Nationen geholfen, sich in Liechtenstein und der Region zurechtzufinden. Welche Schwierigkeiten dabei auftauchen, das erzählt sie uns im Sonntagsgespräch. 



What is the book "Your Relocation" all about!
Relocation Book Renewed-1.mp4
MP4 Video/Audio File 8.4 MB


Book a FREE talk NOW!


Let's get to know each other, and see if I am the right Coach or Consultant to support you with your relocation. 


I am just a "klick" away


Find out what our clients have to say


About the book "Your Relocation" on Amazon

Moving countries can be stressful and challenging, especially when trying to organize things at your destination. Now, add to that, BREXIT, a global pandemic with travel restrictions and no German language skills, and I had the ingredients for a relocation nightmare… That’s if I didn’t have Claudia Doron of epm (empower people in motion) as my Relocation Agent. 

Hilti, my employer introduced me to Claudia at the start of my relocation from the UK to Switzerland. She is friendly, an excellent communicator, and is passionate about what she does. It shows in her approach to every task she undertakes including, her speed of response to questions. Connecting remotely over WhatsApp, she found me a great apartment that met all my criteria, supported my quarantine plans (including internet, rental furniture, and groceries), my registration at the town hall, and provided me with contacts for my health insurance and banking needs, from the amazing network she’s built with reputable local businesses. Thank you, Claudia, for making my relocation very smooth and easy.


O.Esu, UK

About the book "Your Relocation" on Amazon

Congratulation Claudia - what can I say? JUST LOVE IT ...`cos it's such a wonderful read. I was reminded to my journey to Ireland where I lived for 6,5 years. Yes, i missed out on some things Claudia discribes. Anyway, it rises also gratitude for the experiences I made. This book is just fantastic and highly recommend. My appreciation for sharing your experience and expertise in such a lovely way with us.

Bärbel Pankoke, Germany

About the book "Your Relocation" on Amazon

Congratulations!! I wish I had something like this before I made an international move. Well done!

Beverly Tengström, Sweden