Are you about to move to a new country for the first time in your life and are feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of integrating into a new community, culture, and customs?
Do you feel prepared for the challenge of having to re-establish your personal or professional life?
This book is here to guide you through the emotional rollercoaster of relocation in order to help you bridge the gap between expectations and desperation.
Leaving your home behind for a new city or country isn’t child’s play. It poses many challenges and difficulties that are not easy to overcome without the right tools and knowledge to help you. One never quite realizes how strongly they are attached to one’s culture, friends, family, and everything else they’re leaving behind until they embark on that journey.
For the last 15 years, Claudia Doron has assisted people from all over the world on their relocation journey. This is an introductory guide written by Claudia to give you a general overview of things you need to consider and prepare for before saying goodbye to friends, family and memorable places, and continue your life in a new environment. It also includes inspiring stories of people who went through relocation.
Relocating can be an amazing experience that you will come to cherish for the rest of your life. All you need is that one leap of faith, and this guide to help put things into perspective and unpack your mind.
Ich siedele seit 15 Jahren als selbständige Relocation Expertin im Auftrag internationaler Firmen, Fachkräfte aus aller Welt im Alpenrheintal an. Zudem unterstützt ich als Life Coach vor allem Menschen die neue Wege gehen wollen oder ihre Auswanderung planen.
Zu meinem Jubiläum habe ich nun mein Wissen und meine persönlichen sowie beruflichen Erfahrungen zur diesem Thema in einen Auswanderungsratgeber für Menschen zwischen 18 und 80+ gepackt.
Dieser «Guide» ist nicht nur für Expats, sondern auch für Studenten, Familien, Liebende, die zu Ihrem Partner ziehen möchten, Menschen, die mit 50+ ein neues Kapitel aufschlagen oder für diejenigen, die sich einen Auf-Und-Davon-Traum erfüllen wollen. So auch für Pensionäre, die ihren Lebensabend aus verschiedenen Gründen anderswo verbringen möchten.
Das Buch ist gespickt mit Erfahrungsberichten, Interviews, Tipps - das alles gibt den Lesern eine realistische Vorstellung davon, was es bedeuten kann, an einem anderen Ort neu zu beginnen.
Das Buch “Your Relocation" ist in Englisch und als E-Book und Taschenbuch ab sofort online auf Amazon erhältlich.
You plan to move or stand at a cross road?
There are so many reasons for a new beginning or a change in direction. No matter what, it requires courage, a positive attitude and sometimes someone that guides you through the journey with a positiv, inspiring and solution focused approach!
Congratulation Claudia - what can I say? JUST LOVE IT ...`cos it's such a wonderful read. I was reminded to my journey to Ireland where I lived for 6,5 years. Yes, i missed out on some things Claudia discribes. Anyway, it rises also gratitude for the experiences I made. This book is just fantastic and highly recommend. My appreciation for sharing your experience and expertise in such a lovely way with us. Bärbel Pankoke, Germany
Congratulations!! I wish I had something like this before I made an international move. Well done!
Beverly Tengström, Sweden